Scripture Reading: Genesis 48:8-14
Date: 18 July 2021
Conquering nation, we serve a mighty God, who is all-powerful and all-knowing. Despite all the challenges that lie before us, our God is able! Even at the crescendo of Jacobs life, God had a plan for him and the nation of Israel. Jacob was by right supposed to bestow a blessing to his firstborn's grandson but by the unction of God, he broke protocol and by the switching of hands, the blessing of the first born grandson was bestowed upon the second-born grandson who’s mother was of African descent.
Therefore beloved know that just like with Israel, God has a plan for you and for our continent Africa!
The fulfilment of this plan will be made to manifest in due season and you shall be forever transformed and transfigured by the divine braking of protocol to propel to the greater heights!
Remain in the perfect will of God, abiding in his principles and this promise will surely be your portion. This is the conquering way!