Date: 08 August 2022
Principle scripture Reading : John 8:56
Secondary scripture readings: 1st Corinthians 2:8, 2nd Samuel 24:23
Beloved, the Lord’s wisdom is truly unmatched for He knows always, what to expose and what to keep hidden.
God’s plans about your life are so good and important to Him for He desires is to give you hope, a future, prosperity and an expected . (Jeremiah 29:11)
God knowing how paramount the plans He has for you are, He cannot just go about revealing them because He understands that the evil one will want to intercept and sabotage them.
Therefore, God being God, the strategist of all strategists, He often employs a clandestine posture over the affairs of your life.
The strategy, often consisting of detours, rigmaroles, and tangents is purposely employed to inhabit your life to act as a cover beautiful conquer, for the execution and manifestation of His master plan.
The birth and death of our Lord Jesus Christ was wrapped up in this very clandestine strategy, for if the devil had known the plan, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ would not have come to pass as it would have been intercepted and sabotaged.
Be encouraged therefore beloved, that He who has began a good work in you will indeed bring it to fruition.
Whatever challenges, rigmaroles, detours, tangents and challenges you currently face, know from today onwards that it is a set up, it’s a set up for the manifestation of his glorious master plan over your life.